Saturday, November 5, 2011

HaRi RaYa Aidil adha....

wah,,,kunk hari raya gile...tpi,,stay rse sedih,,,
why i'am sad?????
*because my parent no with me in this raya haji..huhuhuh...they go full fill rukun islam yg lima...
*because my ENEMY was coming,,,who my enemy???
  that we call SPM...wooooo..,,scary kan...

hahhaah,,raye2 gak,,,spm uh,,jgn lupe...
so,,rye ala kadar je taun ni,,nk focus lebih 4 spm..huhuhu..
 taun dpN bwu bleh enjoy2....hehehhe 


Sharifah Hassan said...

heheheh...spm je! lebih susah cabaran dalam hidup! but always remember that easy thing does not come easy but with sweat and tears!

syahiran said...
